Victoria Matola
Freelance journalist
Freelance journalist
Ukrainian journalist and editor with more than ten years experience reporting on Ukrainian politics, the judicial system and law enforcement agencies. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Victoria has focused on war crimes and the court processes which surround them.
Legal principle deems certain crimes so grave that they are considered to be committed against the international community as a whole.
Up to 10 million applications are expected to be submitted to the International Register of Damages.
Strenuous efforts continue to address long-time situation in which judges were elected with no competition or integrity checks.
Are such trials compatible with international humanitarian law?
Judicial practice needs to be formulated to meet urgent demands of unprecedented situation.
Process seen as problematic in many jurisdictions, given the difficulties in allowing defendant their full rights.
Aid efforts extend from legal expertise to practical assistance in crime scene investigation.
Supreme Court judge explains how a Ukrainian legal decision could transform future mechanisms for Russian reparations.