Dispute Over Glavas Trial Witness

Defence challenge court’s decision to allow witness to testify for prosecution.

Dispute Over Glavas Trial Witness

Defence challenge court’s decision to allow witness to testify for prosecution.

The trial of Croatian politician Branimir Glavas continued this week at the Zagreb County Court with the closed session testimony of a prosecution witness Krunoslav Fehir, who had previously accused Glavas of ordering him to execute a Serb detainee.

Glavas and six other co-accused are charged with killing Serb civilians in the eastern Croatian town of Osijek in 1991.

Fehir earlier told the Croatian media that he personally killed one of the Serb detainees, after Glavas ordered him to do so.

Defence lawyers representing Glavas and other indictees insisted that Fehir could not be treated as a prosecution witness because he had been involved in the crimes described in the indictment, but the judges turned this request down.

Last November, Croatia’s Supreme Court ruled that Fehir may be given the status of a prosecution witness in this case.

Goran Jungwirth is an IWPR-trained journalist in Zagreb.
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