Sexy Lingerie Cause a Sensation in Syria

Audio slideshow produced during an IWPR workshop for young Syrian journalists held in Damascus, November 2009.

Sexy Lingerie Cause a Sensation in Syria

Audio slideshow produced during an IWPR workshop for young Syrian journalists held in Damascus, November 2009.

youtube video thumbnail for video A1mef-5ur0s


Institute for War & Peace Reporting
Friday, 19 March, 2010

Daring and sometimes bizarre women’s underwear is causing a sensation in Syria, although women in public continue to dress conservatively. Some believe the reason is that society still considers a woman’s role to be pleasing her husband.

It may be fruit-flavoured or designed to vibrate, or part of a uniform like a maid’s. Or it may be lacy or sexy, or designed for a bride. It has certainly taken off.

This multimedia piece was produced during an IWPR workshop for young Syrian journalists held in Damascus, November 2009.

Trainer: Don Duncan
Editor: Raed Rafei
Project manager: Susanne Fischer

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