IWPR Films Shortlisted for Award
Features tell stories of reconciliation and justice in a society still struggling to overcome ethnic divisions.
IWPR Films Shortlisted for Award
Features tell stories of reconciliation and justice in a society still struggling to overcome ethnic divisions.

Two IWPR documentaries on the legacy of the 1992-1995 civil war have been shortlisted for an award at a Bosnian film festival.
No Excuses and I Love SFK will be screened at the thirteenth annual Bosnian-Herzegovinian Film Festival (BHFF) which runs from May 26-28 in New York.
I Love SFK (Volim SFK) documents the triumphs and sorrows of the ethnically mixed women’s football club SFK 2000, showing how sport and teamwork can help Bosnians unite and overcome ethnic divisions.
No Excuses (Nema ali) follows the story of a young history teacher, Haris Jusufovic, a Bosniak from Sarajevo, as he tried to memorialise crimes that were committed against Serb civilians during the 1992-95 siege of the city.
Both films were produced by IWPR and Mebius film and are in the running for a Golden Apple, the prize awarded for the most outstanding film in various categories.
Since 2003 BHFF has showcased the best of Bosnia’s resurgent film production as well as exploring historical, socio-political and cultural issues.