Afghanistan: Youth and Elections
Years active: 2013-2016
The 2014 presidential election was of critical importance for Afghanistan. President Hamed Karzai stepped down after more than a decade in office, and his successor Mohammad Ashraf Ghani took charge at a time when the NATO-led military contingent was withdrawing from the country.
The last presidential election, held in 2009, was marred by security problems, low turnout, and allegations of manipulation and fraud. Most of these issues recurred during the 2014 ballot, too. Many Afghans, young people in particular, believe the political process is controlled by powerful interests that rule out the possibility of a real expression of popular will. If democracy is to work, new voters need to be sufficiently enthused to take part. They should be in a position to weigh up the choices they are offered and to distinguish fact from propaganda.
To address these issues, IWPR launched the Open Minds: Speaking Up, Reaching Out initiative, designed to encourage Afghans of university age to take part in the presidential vote and the accompanying provincial elections. We are now in the second phase, designed to promote participation of young people – better and less well educated alike – from across Afghanistan in the 2015 parliamentary election.
The key objectives of our work in the second phase are:
- To help young Afghans from across the country, whatever their educational level, to understand the electoral process as a critical element of a functioning democracy, and to encourage them to take an active part in their country’s political future.
- To encourage young people to take part in all elements of the electoral process – as voters, as supporters of candidates, and as watchdogs.
- To counter extremist propaganda designed to alienate or marginalise those who support greater diversity, democracy and tolerance.
- To increase public satisfaction with and confidence in government by improving the level of public transparency and accountability at national and local levels.
More Doctors Needed in Afghan Districts
Medical centres tend to be concentrated in urban areas, leaving villagers little access to care.
Warnings Over Falling Afghani Currency
Afghan government urged to act so as to fend off an economic crisis
Afghan Sport Needs Investment
Growing public enthusiasm not backed up by funding, especially anywhere outside Kabul.
Official Praise for IWPR's Afghan Debates
Project encourages public participation in politics.
New Wave of Emigration from Afghanistan
Unemployment and security concerns prompt tens of thousands of young people to leave the country.
Afghan Media Demand Better Access
Journalists complain that officials continually obstruct their work.
Afghans Demand Better Oversight of Tax Revenues
Taxpayers say they'd be happier contributing if they were sure the money wasn’t being purloined.
Afghan Police Accused of Highway Abuses
Drivers say officers harass them and extort money, instead of making the roads safer.
Harsh Words for Afghan Unity Government
Kabul leadership criticised for failing to deliver on election promises.