A Belgrader reading a local daily newspaper with the headline "A Second Round", looks for the report of September 29 Serbian presidential elections September 30, 2002 in Belgrade.
A Belgrader reading a local daily newspaper with the headline "A Second Round", looks for the report of September 29 Serbian presidential elections September 30, 2002 in Belgrade. © Milos Bicanski/Getty Images


Balkans: Regional Reporting & Sustainable Training

Years active: 1999-2010

This programme supports long-term democracy, conflict resolution and European integration in the Balkans by creating a regional network of investigative reporting institutions - the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network - to conduct cross-border research, reporting and dialogue projects, practical training and supportive collaborations with local media outlets.

Milosevic's Victory

Under whatever flag foreign troops may come to Kosovo, there's no doubt who will remain in control in Belgrade.

Racing Home

Kosovo's rival Albanian leaders are scurrying back to Pristina, each hoping to be viewed as the people's undisputed chief.

Blighted Retirement

Pensioners are the group within Serbian society which has fared worst during the past decade, yet they are now expected to tighten their belts once again.

Serbia's Schools Teach New Lessons In War

Serbian schoolchildren have a bundle of new books for their libraries - a gift from Serbia's self-styled 'Uncle Education Minister - but the lessons they teach are all about war, hate and patriotic militarism.

Romania's Danube River Protest

Romanian shippers blockaded the Danube last week in protest against trade losses incurred as a result of the war in Kosovo.

Honeymoon Over For Dodik

While Carlos Westendorp was High Representative in Bosnia, Republika Srpska's prime minister Milorad Dodik led a protected existence and could do no wrong. No longer.

Devaluing The Dinar, Like It Or Not

The dinar in the pocket of Serb consumers is worth less by the day, yet the official exchange rate of six to the German mark remains unchanged.

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