Bosnia and Herzegovina: Tales of Transition
Years active: 2010-2014
IWPR's Tales of Transition project was funded by the Norwegian embassy in Sarajevo. IWPR is carrying out this project in cooperation with the Sarajevo Centre for Contemporary Arts (Proba) and EFM Student Radio.
Lonely Life for Bosnian Refugee Family
Displaced family from Srebrenica still dream of finding a permanent home 20 years after the war.
Story of a Bosnian army officer who prevented the killing of 44 Serb civilians in the summer of 1992.
One War Crime, Two Lawbooks in Bosnia
Application of different legal frameworks results in disparate sentencing for similar offences.
Bosnia: Daunting Task of Confronting the Past
A refusal to accept truth about recent wars has plagued all the countries of former Yugoslavia, but Bosnia seems to have suffered most from this malaise.
Yugo-Nostalgia Grows as Harsh Realities Bite
Old federation offered comfort and security – which many would dearly like to have now.
Bosnia War Victims' Compensation Struggle
Fifteen years after the war, many victims have yet to be compensated for suffering they endured.
Thousands of Bosnians Still Missing
Sixteen years after the war, up to ten thousand people remain unaccounted for.
Bosnia's Youth Divided by Legacy of War
Influenced by the prejudices of their parents and local media, youngsters rarely travel beyond their entity's borders.
Segregated Bosnian Schools Reinforce Ethnic Division
But some Croat and Bosniak students are determined to challenge the system that keeps them apart.