Central Asia Human Rights Reporting Project
Years active: 2009-2011
Central Asia Human Rights Reporting Project directly supports human rights defenders in all five Central Asian states by helping them develop efficient media and public outreach strategies to improve awareness and support and ensure human rights norms are respected and observed upon a daily basis across the region.
The project delivers sustainable partnerships between media outlets and practitioners and the community of human rights' defenders.
Funded by the European Commission and the Norwegian Foreign Ministry.
Kyrgyzstan Report Draws Shaky Line Under Violence
Unsurprisingly, independent team’s findings get mixed reaction in fraught political environment.
Central Asia's Vulnerable Women
Domestic violence is all too often seen as a private matter in which the state should not intervene.
Tajik Power Company Calls in Debts
Higher electricity bills and tougher penalties for arrears are putting pressure on household consumers. By Nazarali Pirnazarov in Dushanbe
Free Speech Fears for Kazakstan Internet
New watchdog designed to monitor “destructive” website content, but could that include political debate as well as extremist literature? By Milana Orazbekova in Almaty
Free Speech Fears for Kazakstan Internet
New watchdog designed to monitor “destructive” website content, but could that include political debate as well as extremist literature?
Turkmen Media Shake-up Draws Scepticism
Local journalists say the president’s call for reform is meaningless unless he is prepared to allow genuine freedom of speech.
Managing Political Consensus in Kyrgyzstan
New popular assembly seen as way of strengthening centralised control, not devolving decision-making.
NGO Report: Torture in Uzbekistan: Still systematic and unpunished
Submitted to the 98th session of the United Nations Committee on Civil and Political Rights.
NGO Report: Freedom of Movement in Uzbekistan
On the laws and practices of the Republic of Uzbekistan regarding the rights of citizens to free movement and choice of residence.