Coverage of LRA Activity
Coverage of LRA Activity

During the last six months, the ICC project has followed the movements of the LRA, which is currently based in the Garamba national park in DRC, from where the rebels were taking part in the now moribund peace process.
In April, Human Rights Watch, HRW, said that IWPR reporting had helped focus attention on LRA reinforcement which took place as it was meant to be preparing to disarm under the peace agreement it was negotiating with Kampala.
“There have been some newswire reports but… in terms of comprehensive pieces, there has been nothing comparable to [IWPR’s] article in the international press”
Elizabeth Evenson, HRW
The IWPR story LRA Prepares for War, not Peace described LRA abductions of civilians – many of them children – in DRC, South Sudan and CAR, in an apparent bid to build up its military capacity.
Following publication of the story on April 27, a number of international organisations took note, including HRW, and Amnesty International in London.
“IWPR's reporting on recent reports of LRA atrocities in the Central African Republic, Southern Sudan, and DRC helped focus attention on this important issue,” said Elise Keppler, of HRW’s International Justice Programme.
IWPR's reporting on the Juba [peace] talks, more generally, has provided valuable information that has contributed to shaping our thinking on the negotiations.”
Elizabeth Evenson, also with HRW, said the IWPR story provided more detail and depth than other reports.
“There have been some newswire reports but… in terms of comprehensive pieces, there has been nothing comparable to your article in the international press,” she said.
“There is still international action that can be taken to stop abuses by the LRA – as reported by you – and help execute arrest warrants against them. For all of us collectively, it is important that these actions be put on the radar screen of the international community so that they understand what work is required here, and that the story isn’t over in Uganda.
“It is essential that journalism play a role in communicating what is happening in The Hague, which can seem so remote for the people for whom the court has been established.”