Katy Glassborow
The head of a new advisory office is committed to ensuring war crimes suspects are defended properly in the interests of wider justice.
Moreno-Ocampo asks pre-trial judges to consider his evidence, and issue summonses for two suspects to appear before the ICC.
Lawyer wants verdict against Bosnian Serb politician quashed or a re-trial.
A decision by pre-trial judges to label the Ituri conflict “international” is causing controversy.
Judges say there’s enough evidence to try Congolese militiaman and presence of Uganda “internationalised the conflict” for a time.
ICC judges confirm there is enough evidence for prosecutors to make a case against Lubanga.
War crimes courts invest in outreach programmes to better communicate their work to victims and their communities.
Former anti-apartheid activist maintains crucial communications link between the court and investigators in the field.
Witnesses at the trial of a Bosnian Serb commander speak of terror inflicted on Sarajevo during the last two years of the Bosnian war.
American officials are adamant that local judiciaries should not try Karadzic and Mladic