Llazar Semini

Stories by the Author

Kosovo Serbs Provoke Albanian Wrath

Kosovo Albanians are furious with what they regard as the Serbian community's half-hearted commitment to the province's interim government.

4 Jul 00

Kosovo Serb Journalist Shot

There's growing international concern for the safety of ethnic minority journalists in Kosovo after a Serb reporter was shot and wounded in central Pristina.

23 Jun 00

Rugova Comeback?

There are signs that IbrahimRugova, a peripheral political figure since the end of the war, is preparing to make a comeback.

23 Jun 00

UN Failing Kosovars

A year into its tenure in Kosovo, few of the UN's goals have been achieved.

9 Jun 00

Pristina's Postwar Boom

Pristina is enjoying a new lease of life almost a year after it was turned into a ghost town.

17 Mar 00

Albanian Fighters on the March

A new Kosovo-based guerrilla force says it is prepared to go to war to unite Albanian populated areas of southern Serbia with the province.

3 Mar 00

Comment: Albanian Feuding In Kosovo Must End

The mounting tension in Mitrovica highlights the need for local Albanian leaders to put aside their differences and focus on building a new society in post-war Kosovo.

22 Feb 00
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