Mikhail Ivanov

Stories by the Author

Moscow's Muddled Thinking in Chechnya

Whilst the Kremlin is clearly disenchanted with the civilian administration in Chechnya, it feels compelled to support its chosen leader, the ex-mufti Akhmad Kadyrov

22 Sep 00

Putin Plays Hard Ball

With the Chechen conflict now entering its 12th month, is there evidence the rebels have bitten off more than they can chew?

11 Aug 00

Moscow Bomb Fails to Intimidate

Comment. The terrorist attack in central Moscow last week has served to strengthen the nation's will to destroy the rebel forces in Chechnya

11 Aug 00

Moscow Plays the Devil's Advocate

The personality clash between Beslan Gantamirov and Akhmad Kadyrov is threatening to make a mockery of the pro-Moscow civilian administration in Chechnya

21 Jul 00

Is Putin Fighting Wars on Too Many Fronts?

Whilst waging a bitter campaign in Chechnya, President Vladimir Putin is fighting rearguard actions against the Russian oligarchs and the regional governors. Perhaps he has bitten off more than he can chew.

14 Jul 00

The Legacy of Separatism

The Russians are faced with the daunting task of tackling ecological damage caused by pre-war economic anarchy in Chechnya

23 Jun 00

Kadyrov Steps into the Firing Line

Within two days of Akhmed Kadyrov being named as Moscow's mouthpiece in Chechnya, one of his closest supporters was assassinated in his home

16 Jun 00

Will the Taliban Reap the Whirlwind?

It was no coincidence that the Kremlin's threats to bomb terrorist bases in Afghanistan came on the eve of the Minsk security summit

26 May 00

Does Putin Hold all the Trump Cards?

With a draft bill for direct rule in Chechnya going through the Duma, concerted efforts are being made to bring a semblance of normality to the embattled republic

12 May 00

The Search for a Chechen Arafat

Although Vladimir Putin continues to rule out the possibility of holding peace talks with Aslan Maskhadov, there is every sign that he is keeping his options open

28 Apr 00
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