Uzbekistan: Afghan War Survivor Convicted on Terror Charges
Former Soviet soldier, presumed to have died in Afghanistan and later discovered in Pakistani jail, found guilty of terrorism by Uzbek court.
Former Soviet soldier, presumed to have died in Afghanistan and later discovered in Pakistani jail, found guilty of terrorism by Uzbek court.
Uzbekistan attempts to build bridges with the Taleban after their recent victory over the Northern Alliance.
Kyrgyz wonder who they're fighting in the war-torn Batken region of the country
Turkmen president would prefer to play a neutal, peacemaking role in the Afghan crisis
Southern Uzbekistan is on full military alert, as the country's armed forces prepare for war in Afghanistan
The US is undecided whether to throw its weight behind the potentially fractious Northern Alliance.
Will the Taleban regime be able to mount effective resistance to American-led attacks?
Western relief workers may struggle to assist civilians uprooted by fighting in Afghanistan.
Courts in Uzbekistan charge Islamists with links to Bin Laden
The arrival of US personnel in southern Uzbekistan has turned the lives of local people and Uzbek servicemen upside down.