Kyrgyz Sex Trade Flourishes
Naïve and desperate women in Kyrgyzstan are falling prey to the sex trade
Naïve and desperate women in Kyrgyzstan are falling prey to the sex trade
Uzbekistan to join new body to tackle instability in the region
A government plan to hand over chunks of Kyrgyz border territory to China has angered parliamentary deputies
Government forces have lost patience with criminal gangs operating near the capital Dushanbe
Soviet style incentives to start families draws scorn from impoverished Kazaks
Tashkent accused of intimidating democracy activists on eve of major gathering of regional heads of state.
Regional gathering underlines Uzbekistan’s shifting foreign policy priorities.
The West is losing out to Russia in its attempts to exert influence over Central Asia
Kyrgyz ambassadors fear their government's controversial election proposals will further undermine the country's international reputation
Kyrgyz traders are losing their goods, their livelihoods and even their lives on the Russian border