Bosnia and Herzegovina

Sakic Sentence Opens Israeli Doors For Tudjman

The trial and 20-year sentence of 78-year-old death camp commander Dinko Sakic have opened up new possibilities for Croatia and its president Franjo Tudjman, including a state visit to Israel.

10 Nov 05

Double Blow For Bosnian Serb Hard-Liners

Fearing war crimes charges, Momcilo Krajisnik of the hard-line Bosnian Serb SDS is reportedly in hiding. Meanwhile, leaders of the Bosnian Serb Radical Party have been banned from next year's elections.

10 Nov 05


With 12 arrests in just one day for fraud and tax evasion Bosnia may give the impression that it is tackling the corruption that blights its development, but sceptics say the small fry arrested so far are just are sacrifices to placate the international c

10 Nov 05

Rebuilding Ferhadija

Banja Luka's landmark 16th century Ferhadija mosque was destroyed in 1993 and all traces removed. Now it may be rebuilt, despite the city's hard-line mayor.

10 Nov 05

Tomorrow's Man in Banja Luka

A new political party has been founded in Banja Luka and its name does not begin with the prefix "Serb", nor does it contain the words "Republika Srpska".

10 Nov 05

The Battle Over the Crude

Rivalries erupted among the opposition as soon as the EU announced its heating oil aid to two towns in southern Serbia. But the real risk is that the regime, too, has its eye on the crude.

10 Nov 05

Belgrade Offers Federation Talks

After dangerously stoking up the campaign against Montenegro, Belgrade has suddenly offered to continue negotiations with the rebellious republic. It could be the last step before a referendum.

10 Nov 05

Voting Around The Christmas Tree

President Franjo Tudjman is wrapping up a Christmas present for the Croatian people - a parliamentary election on December 22 that his ruling HDZ party is widely expected to lose heavily. Unless they pull a few surprises first.

10 Nov 05

Serbia's Forgotten Martyrs

Once the Serbian media portrayed them as martyrs whose plight demanded war against Croats, Muslims and Albanians. Today, the forgotten victims of Belgrade's drive for a Greater Serbia, they live in squalor in collective centres in Serbia where mental illn

10 Nov 05
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