
Taleban Driven Out of Kabul

Kabul has fallen. Northern Alliance troops have entered the city amid scenes of jubilation at the end of oppressive Taleban rule.

21 Feb 05

Afghan Opposition Advance on Kabul

The battle for Kabul has begun. Thirty-seven days after the US bombing of Afghanistan began, the whole political, strategic and diplomatic map of the country has changed.

21 Feb 05

Afghan Anarchy Fears

If Afghan parties, meeting next week for talks about the future of their country, fail to achieve a speedy political settlement there could be a return to the anarchy of the early Nineties.

21 Feb 05

Bin Laden Narrowly Escapes Death

Osama bin Laden's intelligence gathering operation appears to have helped him escape a US missle attack on an al-Qaeda base.

21 Feb 05
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