
Devaluing The Dinar, Like It Or Not

The dinar in the pocket of Serb consumers is worth less by the day, yet the official exchange rate of six to the German mark remains unchanged.

10 Nov 05

Djukanovic On A Mission, Increasingly Far From Home

Montenegro's president is trying to reconcile Serbia's feuding political forces, while at home his fellow citizens make it clear they wish to be as close to Europe as possible - and as far as possible from Serbia.

10 Nov 05

Muzzling The Media

The Milosevic regime is resorting to increasingly draconian measures to control Serbia's media.

10 Nov 05

Living The Life Of Behgjet

Behgjet Pacolli, the Kosovo Albanian multi-millionaire who weds Italian pop icon Ana Oxo tomorrow and whose business links with the Kremlin may yet bring down Boris Yeltsin, is living proof that fact can be stranger than fiction.

10 Nov 05
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