
Omarska Trial

Tribunal Update No. 175, Last Week in The Hague (8-13 May, 2000)

13 May 00

French Hostage Still Alive

Campaigners fighting for the release of Brice Fleutiaux say there is new hope he will soon be returned to his family

12 May 00

Milosevic Fortress Crumbles

Once considered a symbol of regime power, the town of Pozarevac is today more a symbol of its weakness.

12 May 00

Serbian Journalism on Trial

The arrest of Miroslav Filipovic came as part of a concerted campaign by the authorities to brand all independent journalists foreign mercenaries and spies

12 May 00

Rebuilding Gjakove

With the help of the international community, the Albanians of Gjakove (Djakovica) have begun rebuilding their devastated town.

9 May 00
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