
Tadic Defence Lawyer in Contempt

The appeals court has fined Tadic's Belgrade lawyer for attempting to introduce false evidence damaging to his client.

5 Feb 00

Putin's Recipe For Success

Acting President Putin's phenomenal popularity is founded on his vision of a "strong state" prepared to ride roughshod over democratic principles.

4 Feb 00

New Role for Kosovo Women

Albanian women widowed by the Kosovo war are learning to do what was once considered men's work.

4 Feb 00

Yugoslav Army Compensation Battle

Families demanding compensation from the Yugoslav Army for relatives killed while serving in Kosovo claim they are being short-changed.

4 Feb 00

Kosovars Balk at New Executive

A move by the international community to govern Kosovo jointly with local politicians is viewed by some Albanians as a threat to their struggle for independence.

1 Feb 00

Rewriting Bosnia's 'Holy Book'

A proposal by the Bosniak co-prime minister of Bosnia to reform the Dayton agreement is attacked by local Serb leaders fearing it will spell the end of Republika Srpska.

1 Feb 00
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