Tajik Mudslide Refugees Out in The Cold
With not enough money to rebuild homes, disaster victims face a winter under canvas.
With not enough money to rebuild homes, disaster victims face a winter under canvas.
Jailings and detentions raise fresh concerns over fairness of country’s defamation laws.
Tahir Yuldash is reported dead, but his Uzbek guerrillas still appear to be creating havoc in the north.
Tahir Yuldash is reported dead, but his Uzbek guerrillas still appear to be creating havoc in the north.
Everyone recognises that Lake Sarez, a large body of water high in the mountains of Tajikistan, could burst through the dam holding it at almost any moment. Where the experts differ is on how to stop this happening.
Experts fear Tablighi Jamaat missionary organisation may be further radicalised after mass detentions.
Critics warn effort to make Tajik compulsory discriminates against those who mainly speak Russian.
Energy-saving bulbs are too expensive for most people, and should never have been imposed by decree, say critics of new scheme.
Although Tajikistan has several major hydroelectric schemes, it has to import all its fuel and is perennially short of energy as well as money.