Middle East

Iraq: Oct '07

Important governance reporting lessons learnt at latest training seminars.

16 Nov 07

Foreign Taleban Rile Helmand Residents

Afghans in the troubled province say many of the insurgents are not Pashtuns but incomers from other countries who behave in a high-handed and aggressive way towards local civilians.

8 Nov 07

Kurds Hunger for English

Private language schools flourishing as youngsters see English as key to better career opportunities.

7 Nov 07

Spice Row in Kyrgyzstan

Thousands earn an income picking wild capers, but this new industry has spawned debate about sustainability, fair pay and government regulation.

5 Nov 07


Despite vast investment, Iraq’s sclerotic electricity network shows little sign of improvement, to the despair of residents and businesses alike.

31 Oct 07
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