Middle East

Sunnis Followed Their Leaders

Participation of Sunni parties in the election was key to their community’s huge turnout in the Iraqi election.

21 Dec 05

Women's Voices on Election Day

As Iraqi women streamed into polling centres for last week’s election, IWPR reporters sought out the views of this increasingly assertive constituency.

21 Dec 05

Scraping a Living

Dismal economic prospects mean low paid, menial and dangerous work is often only way to make ends meet.

16 Dec 05

Kicking the Habit

Using opium or hashish is considered perfectly acceptable by increasing numbers of people.

14 Dec 05

Kurds Concerned About Fraud

Voters sceptical despite an increase in monitors and promises from Kurdish leaders of clean elections.

14 Dec 05

Men Stifling Women Voters

Activists fear a combination of violence and chauvinism will keep Iraqi women from the polls.

14 Dec 05
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