Middle East

Sakic Sentence Opens Israeli Doors For Tudjman

The trial and 20-year sentence of 78-year-old death camp commander Dinko Sakic have opened up new possibilities for Croatia and its president Franjo Tudjman, including a state visit to Israel.

10 Nov 05

'Power Wars' Between Romania And Bulgaria

Romania and Bulgaria, both candidates for early European Union accession talks, have traded insults in the past week over what their media have called the "power war".

10 Nov 05

Bulatovic's Loyalty Ill-Repaid

Milosevic and his wife have suddenly turned on their loyal ally from Montenegro - a tactic they hope will delay the republic's increasingly likely split from Yugoslavia.

10 Nov 05

Croatia's Failed Historian

Dragutin Hedl reflects on the legacy of Croatia's leader - Tudjman the Tito fan, the fanatical nationalist, the lover of luxury and hoarder of riches, his country's self-proclaimed hero - and its wrecker.

10 Nov 05

Haggling Over Bosnia

Former aide to Croatian president gives inside story of Milosevic’s hand in carve-up of Bosnia and Croatia.

9 Nov 05
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