Middle East

Shias Dance for Iraq

Shias have special reason to celebrate the downfall of Saddam, but will remain loyal to a sovereign Iraq as long as their basic rights are respected.

22 Feb 05

Memories of Saddam

An exile remembers a childhood in Iraq, and the fear that followed his family well beyond the country's borders.

22 Feb 05

Death of a Leader

The killing of Abdul Majid in Najaf is a devastating blow to the hopes of Shias, and all Iraqis, to build a new and moderate society.

22 Feb 05

Comment: A Century of Arab Delusion

Iraq perfected a corrupted version of Arab nationalism, but it was Arab intellectuals who created and then abetted it. Can they ever change their spots?

22 Feb 05

Comment: His Own Man

Ahmad Chalabi: self-seeking agent of American imperialism or genuine champion of freedom?

22 Feb 05
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