More Action Urged on Gender Equality in Afghanistan
Progress has been too dependent on encouragement from international doors, rather than domestic political will.
Progress has been too dependent on encouragement from international doors, rather than domestic political will.
Despite relatively progressive legislation, women still find themselves marginalised.
Law passed two years ago yet to translate into societal change.
Forced marriage, domestic violence and economic hardship all require more effective action.
Most women in Parwan province are denied medical care during pregnancy and delivery.
Lack of support for those who try to make formal complaints of gender-based violence.
Officials hope pioneering scheme will help reduce high maternal mortality rate.
Khost has an abysmal record on on upholding equal opportunity rules in local government.
Some want positive discrimination to start reversing male domination of public life.
A mother forges a strong relationship with her son in the face of divisive family politics.