Training in DRC
Training in DRC

In June, Eichstaedt also conducted training in eastern DRC. The session on international justice and the ICC was held for eight radio and print reporters in the Ituri town of Bunia.
“Until IWPR brought its expertise on the ICC and international justice to these Bunia journalists, they had never been provided with an in-depth explanation of the origins of the court, and why and how it functions”
Peter Eichstaedt, IWPR Africa editor
Trainees came from Bunia and surrounding towns to participate in the course, which was scheduled to coincide with the start of Lubanga’s trial at the ICC, as well as a confirmation of charges hearing in the case of militia leaders Germain Katanga and Matthieu Ndjugolo.
Richard Pituwa, the director of radio station Canal Revelation in Bunia, helped organise the session, which was interpreted by IWPR trainee Jacques Kahorha.
Eichstaedt said the session gave trainees the information they need to report on the international court.
“Until IWPR brought its expertise on the ICC and international justice to these Bunia journalists, they had never been provided with an in-depth explanation of the origins of the court, and why and how it functions,” he said.
“Such knowledge is vital to the ability to report accurately on the court and it proceedings in the coming months and years as indictees come to trial.”
During his DRC trip, Eichstaedt also accompanied Kahorha on various reporting assignments, including one to the village of Bogoro, about 25 km from Bunia, which was the scene of a massacre for which Katanga has been charged by the ICC.
In Goma, Kahorha and Eichstaedt conducted numerous interviews with victims of sexual violence as well as key players in the NGO and civil society sectors. These interviews became part of special reports prepared by IWPR on sexual violence in the DRC, published in October.