Wednesday, 31 Jul ‘24

This week’s overview of key events and links to essential reading.

Wednesday, 31 Jul ‘24

This week’s overview of key events and links to essential reading.

Wednesday, 31 July, 2024


Institute for War & Peace Reporting

Russian Soldier Suspected of Torturing Civilians in Mykolayiv Region Identified

Police investigators reported in absentia the suspicion of violation of the laws and customs of war, based on a prior conspiracy by a group of persons (part 2 of article 28, part 1 of article 438 of the criminal code of Ukraine) to 32-year-old junior sergeant Alikhan Kushkhov from the city of Nalchik, in the Russian republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. He is suspected of brutalising civilians during the occupation of part of the Mykolaiv region.

According to the investigation Kushkhov - the commander of the intelligence platoon - together with a group of unidentified Russian soldiers, imprisoned four local residents and used physical and psychological violence against them during the occupation of a village of the Bashtanka district of the Mykolaiv region in the summer and autumn of 2022. One of the female victims was interrogated about whether her son was serving in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and subjected to beatings and threats of rape. 

Suspicion Against Head of “DPR media holding"

Investigators reported in absentia the suspicion of collaborative activity (part 6 of Article 111-1 of the criminal code of Ukraine) against Mykola Cherkashin, a 57-year-old citizen of Ukraine and resident of the city of Makiivka, Donetsk region. According to the investigation, Cherkashin has been the head of the so-called "media holding of the DPR" since July 2023. The "Respublikansky Media Holding" controls 18 television companies, radio and print publications.

The suspect, according to the investigation, focuses media attention on the distribution of anti-Ukrainian content, with local networks publishing materials supporting the Russian Federation and its armed forces.

Two Foreigners Sentenced for Sharing Location of Ukrainian Defence

An Odesa court has found two foreign citizens guilty of the unauthorised dissemination of information about the location of the armed forces of Ukraine (Part 3 of Article 114-2 of the criminal code) and sentenced them to eight years in prison. The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine announced the move without naming the convicts.

According to the investigation, at the end of February 2024, two foreign brothers temporarily living in Odesa entered into a conspiracy with an employee of the Russian secret services (FSB). They scouted for the largest concentration of Ukrainian military and military equipment in the area, and also handed over the geolocation of air defence units.

As a reward, the prosecutor's office said, the brothers expected to be handed senior positions in the occupation administration. One wanted to become the head of the regional branch of the FSB, the other wanted to lead the city council. They were paid for each completed task, the amount depending on its importance and difficulty of gathering information about it.

The men – both citizens of an unnamed country in the South Caucasus - were detained in March 2024 and kept in custody. The verdict can be appealed within 30 days from the day it was announced.

Irpin Court Considering 36 War Crimes Cases  

The Irpin city court of the Kyiv region is considering 36 cases related to war crimes committed in February and March 2022, when the oblast was partially occupied by Russian troops. All cases are being heard under Article 438 of the criminal code of Ukraine concerning the violation of laws and customs of war. The figures were published by the court website.

Most of these cases are being considered by panels of three judges. Currently, the Irpin court has issued only one verdict in a war crimes case. 

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